Wisconsin Adventure Racing Society

SKMC Fall 2022 Gear

 List and Race Rules


Items to be carried with your

TEAM at all times

. Mandatory

1. Cell phone in a waterproof


2. First Aid kit consisting of 

at least these items:

4 bandages 

1 bandage wrap at least

four inches by four yds 

4 pain killers , such as:

Aspirin, Ibuprofen ,etc

3. Compass  . No GPS allowed

4.Space Blanket 

Individual Mandatory 


1.One bike per racer. Mt

 bike is the norm

 with faster tires, 

however any bike is 

allowed, No Tandems,no

Road bikes, hybred is ok

2. Your bike helmet along

 with a blinking red light

 for rear.

3. One compass per racer

4. At least one camel back

 per racer and one

 water bottle.

There will be areas to get

 water at the TAs

5.Bring enough food to 

last you the

 length of the race

6. There will be areas in 

the woods that 

  will be thick so

 longs pants and sleeves

 are a smart idea and

 maybe safety glasses

 for eyes

7.Bring bright colors for

 your top, Red, orange,

 yellow or bright green

We want you to be visible

8. Insect repellant 

9. Map cases, maps are

 not water proof

10. Writing Utensil 

11. NO GPS units of any 

kind. Just a compass .

12.  While we will have

 volunteers around.  If 

you feel the need to

 lock your bike, then

 bring a lock.

  We can not be 

responsible for lost 


13. Whistle 

14. Watch

15. Wind breaker Top

16. hand sanitizer

17. Your Mask

Gear is event specific .


 you do not need to carry 

your biking helmet

in the woods while








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